Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here I am..challenged as usual.

I was never going to do a "Blog!"  Didn't even know what it was until my 11 year old friend gave me the e mail for hers and I felt suddenly aghast.  An 11 year old with her own Blog!  Hell, in my 70's I'm considered a computer maven, so why not start on for myself.  I had no reason  until today.

I am energetic, love and live life to the fullest that I can and like most "senior citizens" have ailments I didn't want, wouldn't even wish them on my worst enemies, and cope with on a moment by moment existence.  If you go to, you will see some of my writings on Scleroderma and Sjogren's..what did she say? Never heard of them....It's OK, just realize they are autoimmune diseases with no cure and which attract other autoimmune diseases to join in the fun of tormenting  your body to the fullest.  But life goes on, as it usually does.  Just think, for those  of you with similar autoimmune stuff going on, I've lived a life time with these and I'm still here!  Picture a medieval battle field with a battered and bruised knight (lavender feather, of course) pointed her damaged lance at the fresh and ready challenger (midnight blue feather, of course) staring at one another wondering if the next thrust is even worth it.  It is.  My lance may be bent and tarnished, but that other feathered creature isn't going to beat me on this battle field.

The jolt I received this past week has made that battle field a bit uneven.  It  has forced me to readjust my life once more so I can even that playing field for the future, no matter how many years I have left to play.  Remember, I said I was energetic and loved walking which I do every day....I was advised to use a wheel chair when my daughter comes in to visit this August.  She wants to "walk" San Francisco!  How the hell do you "walk" SF?  Which area are you walking?  And, oh, yes, we are going to Alcatraz  the same day.  Go on a ferry with a wheel chair!  Be pushed around like some really handicapped person!  "Yes," says my doctor...."you will wear  yourself out otherwise and won't be able to enjoy the other days she's in." do you cope with that kind of news!  I'm strong, I'm able to conquer the world (at least my small section of it)  Yes I get breathless walking to much so I should take my portable oxygen with me.  Oxygen, did she say?  Yes, I use it at night only.  Anyhow, this blog will tell  you how I cope with this new adventure in my already adventure filled life.  Only this one will involved travel and fun.  But a wheel chair?

Any opening thought out there?

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